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COVID-19 Relief Bill Signed Into Law

Matthew Boudreaux

Matthew Boudreaux

The House of Representatives passed a $1.9 trillion relief package focused on economic relief following the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill was signed into law at the White House on Thursday.1

Beyond the much-discussed $1,400 stimulus checks, the relief bill offers many levels of stimulus, including funds for vaccine distribution, expansions of tax credits, expanded unemployment payments, and aid to state and local governments.1

One sticking point was a phase-out range for the stimulus checks, which will affect those earning more than $75,000 annually and capped for those earning $80,000 or more ($150,00-$160,000 for married couples).1

This is a massive bill with many aspects and has no shortage of provisions for individuals and businesses at all levels. Naturally, you may have questions about the bill, and how it might affect you and your family. We welcome a chance to discuss this with you and answer any questions you may have.


1 - CNBC.com, March 10, 2021

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