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The Spend Life Well Show

If you want to save for and invest in the future, then welcome! In The Spend Life Well Show podcast, Mark Trice and Jesse Hamilton common financial questions and discuss practical financial principles based on a foundation of biblical wisdom.

You can find The SLW Show anywhere you stream podcasts and on YouTube.

Welcome to the Spend Life Well Show

If you want to save for and invest in the future, then welcome! In the show Mark Trice and Jesse Hamilton answer your questions and discuss practical financial principles based on a foundation of biblical wisdom. Below you will find recent episodes of the Spend Life Well Show:

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Maximize Your TAX Contributions Thumbnail

Maximize Your TAX Contributions

Join our advisors as they break down strategies to optimize your tax contributions before April! Learn how maximizing your contributions to Traditional and Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, and HSAs to shrink your taxable income and boost your retirement savings.

A Biblical Commentary on TAXES Thumbnail

A Biblical Commentary on TAXES

In this episode, Mark and Jesse tackle a hot-button topic: what the top 1% of Americans actually pay in taxes. They break down the financial details of how income impacts tax contributions and explore the broader implications of this issue. Tune in to hear our advisors' perspectives on taxes and the "eat the rich" narrative through a biblical worldview.

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